(china org) As part of efforts to promote innovation-driven development, Beijing has stepped up support for high-tech industries, which will foster new growth drivers, experts said at a forum Thursday as part of the 26th annual Beijing Academic Science and Technology Exchange Month. events.

The ten high-tech industries are mainly technology-intensive, including new generation information technology, integrated circuits, medicine and health care, intelligent equipment, new energy vehicles, new materials and artificial intelligence.

The capital has seen an overall improvement in the innovative development of these industries in recent years, based on a series of evaluation indices regarding the proportion of its R&D institutions in the country, R&D intensity and proportion of its tax and fee reductions, among other things. , said Jia Pinrong, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology.

Jia emphasized that a strong industrial ecosystem is essential to support the growth of emerging technologies, new business models and startups. Therefore, the development of high-tech industries depends not only on technological advancements, but also on the entire supporting system, such as business environment, inputs and complementary products.

He added that the city should step up efforts to improve innovation efficiency and promote collaboration between high-tech companies, universities and R&D institutions.

As the costs of labor-intensive manufacturing have continued to rise in recent years, it is urgent in China to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading and promote the development of high-tech industries focused on innovation, with the aim of promoting the development of the country. growth in foreign trade, Jia said.

Citing Huairou Science City and Beijing Electronic City as examples, Mu Rongping, director of the Center for Innovation and Development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, noted that promoting such innovation hubs and engines is of great importance, so that new advantages can be created. in the city’s sustainable development approach.

Data from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics shows that the total output of 10 high-tech industries accounted for 30.1 percent of the city’s GDP in 2021, 5 percentage points higher than in 2018.

To date, Beijing has fostered two industrial clusters with annual output of at least 1 trillion yuan ($137 billion) each – a next-generation information technology cluster and a technology services cluster – and five industrial clusters with annual production of more than $100 billion. billion yuan each, covering the sectors of medicine and health, intelligent equipment, artificial intelligence, energy saving and environmental protection, and integrated circuits.

Source: China.org.cn, October 13, 2023 by By Wang Wei Photo: Xinhua

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